How To Make Money With Facebook


Facebook is the No.1 Social Networking Website which makes it easy to make money on Facebook. Today a lot of people are making money on Facebook. Why is this possible? Because there are so many people using Facebook every day and what one user does, all their friends know about.  It’s viral!
Facebook is the dominant social network with more than 800 million users and it’s growing every day. There are several methods you could use to make money on Facebook. You could develop games, applications, fan pages and groups etc. to make money on Facebook. There are tons of affiliates who are using CPA offers and are putting them on their fan pages to earn commission. If they can earn commission by making the odd status update every now and then then why can’t you?

CPA Ads to make money on Facebook

There is a growing trend of people raking in stacks of money on Facebook.  How do they  make money on Facebook? They run Facebook ads to CPA offers. In a nutshell they pick an offer then research what type of people would buy that offer.  Using Facebook’s ad serving platform you can pin point target age, gender, interests and location to choose exactly who sees the ad. By trying different creatives it is possible to optimise your ads and make money on facebook.  Because there are 800 million users half of which go online every day there is practically no limit to the amount of ads you can serve.  This means the potential to make money on Facebook is practically limitless.
Be warned though, you can’t just create any old ad and run it on Facebook to make money and you have to be careful what you do as Facebook have a tendency to ban accounts they don’t like the look of.  You also have to be careful how you manage your ads as there is sooo much traffic on Facebook you can burn through your ad budget in no time at all.  If you are serious and really want to make money on Facebook then sign up to our news letter and get our free Fanpage Ad Secrets guide.
Making money with Facebook is not a difficult task, if you have a plan in your mind then you can do it easily. Few steps may be required:
howtomakemoneyonfacebook01Fb5 Why Making Money On Facebook is Such a No Brainer!1. Be familiar with Facebook
2. Make a lot of friends.
3. Make your own product/service or Join a CPA offer.
4. Offer them this product and earn.
The trick is is making thousands of friends quickly. The maximum limit is 5000 Friends on Facebook. A lot of people have set up a dummy account and made 5000 Facebook friends in 7 days. There are so many formulas of making 5000 Facebook Friends in 7 Days. Just google it and see what comes back.  Be warned, Facebook are getting smarter all the time and making it harder and harder for people to “game” them in order to make money on Facebook. Still if you can get 5000 friends, create a page and promote that page to your friends.  If your content is good enough then pretty soon friends of friends of friends will start liking the page and it will go viral.  Now you’re in the money and it is easy to make money on Facebook by making a few fun posts with the odd CPA offer mixed in.  As always, there are rules to be complied with if you don’t want to get your account banned and lose all that hard work.  If you seriously want to make money on Facebook then sign up for our FREE newsletter and avoid these pitfalls.
It’s not as hard as you think to create a game or an app to make money on Facebook.  I know people who outsource all the dev work and just sit there making $x,xxx per day without much effort.  You just have to think creatively and outside the box.
So there are many ways to make money on Facebook.  Choosing which is the hardest part and that is where we can help you.

Facebook apps to make money

In the early days an app didn’t need to ask for a users permission before posting on their wall or even before sending a message to all their friends so these apps grew their userbase by millions overnight.  The apps would then spam everybody who had liked them with CPA offers like; Win a holiday, Win $500 vouchers or these days Win an iPad.  Each of these offers pays out anything from $1 to $10 each time a punter completes them.  If you do the math say 1% – 5% of fans from a 1,000,000+ list completed an offer every day you can see how some unscrupulous people made money on facebook became very rich very quickly.
howtomakemoneyonfacebook fb10 300x951 Get Started Making Money on FacebookTo their credit, Facebook threw a lot of resources at sorting this out in the form of bots and humans.  To be fair, some scams still get through, but Facebook have made it very hard to do so, sometimes to the detriment of legitimate apps and pages, but they have certainly made it much harder to spam Facebook users.  Bebo & Myspace failed to take off like Facebook mainly because they made it too easy for their members to be spammed and people just got sick of it and left the service.
OK  fast forward to the present.

The easy money on Facebook is no longer there.

Should you give up in your quest to make money on Facebook?  I would say no.  Not at all.
You just have to be a bit smarter and work harder in order to make money on Facebook. You have to give something the users actually want. Believe me though, if you get this right you will have more customers than you can deal with sending tons of business and cash your way.
howtomakemoneyonfacebook 14 Get Started Making Money on FacebookEasy money is generally a scam and if something looks too good to be true….. it generally is.
I for one have no interest in scamming money out of people or tricking them into clicking things they’re not going to be genuinely interested in.  It is perfectly straightforward to make money from Facebook with the right plan, the right research and the right execution. It is not rocket science at all.
I won’t lie to you.
You don’t need your own website to make money on Facebook, but if you do have one you can increase the amount of money you make.
You don’t need money to start making money on Facebook, but a small amount does accelerate the process.
You DO need to put some effort in and work at it, but it is more important to work smart than work hard if you want to succeed at making money on Facebook.
So where do you start?
That’s where we we come in at
We won’t offer you an instant make money overnight scam, but what we will do is lead you through the maze of apps, fan pages, advertising and underground highly effective (but legitimate) methods that you will only find here.

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Make Money on Facebook

Join our mailing list and we will show you step by step everything you need to do in order to make money on Facebook.  What have you got to lose?  Do you like your job that much or are you looking forward to graduating and not being able to find a job?
Click on the button below *NOW* what are you waiting for?

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